GSSSB Instructor Document Verification Program 2017
Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal - GSSSB published result / list of candidates to be called for document verification for the post of Instructor Grade A, B, C Recruitment, 2016-17. You can view detailed document verification program for above said posts by following link. You can view eligible candidates list for instructor by below link.
Details of Posts:
- Name of Posts & Advertisement No.:
- Instructor
- Grade - A (Mechanic) Advt. No. 71/2016-17
- Grade - C (Ele. & Communication / Computer) Advt. No. 78/2016-17
- Grade - B (Electrical) Advt. No. 74/2016-17
- Grade - C (Mechanical) Advt. No. 77/2016-17
- Grade - B (Mechanic) Advt. No. 73/2016-17
- Grade - B (Electrical & Communication) Advt. No. 76/2016-17
GSSSB Instructor Eligible candidates Lists 2017
GSSSB Instructor Document Verification Program 2017
- Document verification schedule:
- Instructor
- Grade - A (Mechanic): 05/07/2017
- Grade - C (Electronics & Communication / Computer): 10/07/2017
- Grade - B (Electrical): 07/07/2017, 10/07/2017
- Grade - C (Mechanical): 10/07/2017
- Grade - B (Mechanic): 05/07/2017, 06/07/2017, 07/07/2017
- Grade - B (Electrical & Communication): 10/07/2017
- Document verification Time: 10:00 AM & 01:30 PM
- View details of Document verification program: Click here